Select Icon is a React component that provides an easy and customizable way to select icons from a collection.


- JSON data-driven
- Animation support
- Supports both JSX and TypeScript versions


- This component requires React version 16.8 or higher.

Package Includes:

- Guide.pdf
- /example-files/App.js
- /example-files/assets/*.png
- /example-files/ozden/react-ui-select-icon/SelectIcon.jsx
- /example-files/ozden/react-ui-select-icon/SelectIcon.tsx
- /example-files/ozden/react-ui-select-icon/SelectIcon.css
- /example-files/ozden/react-ui-select-icon/SelectIcon/arrow.svg

Basic Code Example:

import SelectIcon from './ozden/react-ui-select-icon/SelectIcon'; const [icons, setIcons] = useState([ { id: "1", iconFile: images['./cat1.png'], title:"Tree" }, { id: "2", iconFile: images['./cat2.png'], title: "" }, { id: "3", iconFile: images['./cat3.png'], title: "Paris" }, ]); function App() { const handleSelect = (id) => { console.log(`Selected icon id: ${id}`); } return ( <SelectIcon icons={icons} selectedId="1" onSelect={handleSelect} /> ); }

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