By : autobahn81 Published On Saturday, February 08, 2025, 00:32 In PHP Scripts
A ajax contact form inside a google maps marker info window. Works for one or multiple locations. A different email address for every location can be configured. If only on location is on the map, the info window with the contact form opens when the map is loaded.
Added a css reset to prevent google maps controlls to break in rare conditions.
* Fixed a spelling mistake in the contact success message. * Added From and Reply to to email header.
* Bugfix due to new version of jquery.form.js. * Removed external reference to jquery.form.js. * Performance improvements.
* Bugfix for javascript error in Internet Explorer 8. * Improved visual style in Internet Explorer browsers. * Fixed bug in form builder.
* Fixed a bug when using textarea fields.
* Initial Release.
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